Sunday Worship

The worship of CHC (The Church of the Holy Communion) follows the historic 1928 Book of Common Prayer, produced originally in 1549 by the famous English Reformer and Archbishop Thomas Cranmer. It is scriptural with approximately 85% of its content being taken directly from the Bible. It is also more than a sixteenth-century document. To compile this liturgical masterpiece Cranmer edited the medieval mass, itself rooted in the ancient liturgies of the Church of Ephesus (1st Century) and the Sarum Rite (10th century). The 1928 BCP (Book of Common Prayer) more closely approximates the original 1549 version as well as the 1662 edition, still the official prayer book of the Church of England and used by the majority of the 80 million member worldwide Anglican Communion. We worship in a truly common prayer tradition.

The two central services of the prayer book offered weekly at CHC are founded upon the spiritual practices of the Early Church described as 'continuing steadfastly in the Apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in the prayers' (Acts 2:42). The breaking of bread is the service of Holy Communion. Early Christians also worshipped with literally, the prayers, set prayers dating back to the Psalter and the synagogue. This service became the Daily Office, traditionally known as Morning and Evening Prayer in the prayer book. A sermon is given at both services: Holy Communion at 9:00am and Morning Prayer at 11:15am.

Services Offered

Holy Communion

9:00 AM and 11:15 AM Every Sunday

Sunday School Children through Youth

10:15 AM

Adult Christian Education

10:15 AM