We offer a liturgical ministry called Children's Chapel at Church of the Holy Communion. During our 9 O'clock Eucharist we provide a Children's Chapel during the middle part of the worship service. Our hope is that families with small children will benefit from this ministry.
The ministry of Children’s Chapel exists for youth who have reached the age that they no longer need the nursery, but are not quite ready for the full length of our worship service. The target age is 4-7. They will leave the service at the beginning of the sermon hymn for Children’s Chapel in Lunt Hall. A volunteer will process a cross to the center of the Church's Nave to signal the release of little children for chapel. They go into Lunt Hall for a directed liturgy and lesson from adult volunteers. Then they rejoin their parents in the Nave during the singing of the Agnus Dei. This allows the whole family to approach the chancel rail during communion with our Lord. If you have any questions about Children’s Chapel, please contact lay coordinator Jill Nowell.
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