Morning Prayer

Sundays at 7:45 AM

Morning Prayer or "Matins" is based upon the seven daily offices of St. Benedict, Psalms and hymns are sung, readings from the Old and New Testaments are provided in accordance with the Church Year, a sermon is preached and prayers are offered for the faithful, the nation, and the Church throughout the world.

Please see Bishop Sutton's Instructional Commentary for Morning Prayer for detailed descriptions of each apsect of the service.

The Typical Order of Service:

Processional Hymn
Sentences of Scripture
General Confession
Declaration of Absolution
Lord's Prayer
Venite, exaltemus Domino
Announcements and Blessing
First Lesson KJV
Benedictus es, Domine
Second Lesson KJV
Jibo;ate Deo
Apostle's Creed
Collect of the Day
Collects for Peace and Grace
Collect for Grace and Love
Announcements and Blessings
Sermon Hymn
Offertory Hymn
Hymn America [verse 3]
Prayer for the President
Prayer for the Clergy and People
Prayer for All Conditions of Men
A General Thanksgiving
Prayer of St. Chrysostom
Recessional Hymn
Meditation Hymn #487 [verse 1 & 2]

BCP = 1928 Book of Common Prayer

Hymnal = The Hymnal 1940

KJV = King James Version Bible